Unmanaged Data Center Services

Already have qualified staff to undertake the management of your server ?

We can offer you everything else !




What we can do for you:

Ranging from the lease or purchase of equipment to the installation of the operating system of your choice we can rid you of the burden of additional procedures required to setup your applications.

What we offer in detail:

Data Center

Your servers can be hosted in our Data Centers in Greece, Europe or the US depending on your needs. All hosting spaces are suitably designed to provide guaranteed energy supply , cooling systems and security for all hosted infrastructures.


You can choose between Virtual Private Servers (VPS), Dedicated Server(s), and Private Clouds. All systems we provide are of the highest standards and are readily expandable upon customer request. We provide engineers on a 24/7 availability basis for troubleshooting and hardware malfunction issues resolution.


You can choose between shared and dedicated. Shared bandwidth is burstable and billing is done as specified by  the 95th percentile algorithm or per GB of traffic, in case of a VPS, upon customer request. For services hosted at our Data Center in Greece you can choose between providers with access to GR-IX.

Operating System

Per your request your server can be enabled with a preloaded operating system. You can choose from a wide variety of operating systems and distributions for your server. Consult the F.A.Q. for detailed information about operating systems we support.